It is the fruit of a native Chinese shrub, an evergreen that can grow between 3 and 8 meters. The part that is used for consumption is the dried compound fruit (made up of follicles) (Anisi stellati fructus). In the composition of this plant we find abundant amounts of essential oil, rich in anethole, phelandrene and limonene, aldehydes and ketones, cineole and some safrole. The essence of this herb determines a carminative, eupeptic, spasmolytic and antidiarrheal action.
- Infusion It is prepared from the fruits. The maximum recommended dose is 0.5-3 g / day. A cup is usually taken after meals.
- Dust. Another way to benefit from the virtues of this plant is to administer it in powder form, either alone or encapsulated.
Specifically, it provides vitamins A, C and group B, which benefit our eyes, ensure iron retention and allow the body to take advantage of the energy from the food we eat. It contains calcium, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium and potassium, minerals that improve muscle performance and strengthen bones.